Fire safety

Fire safety is a multi-disciplinary profession and it’s primary objective is to prevent fires from starting and minimise the personal and material damage caused by any fires that may occur.

Therefore, a responsible manager must take this topic seriously, therefore having a knowledgeable and trusted advisor in the field of fire protection. Our company has extensive experience in fire prevention, fire fighting and the necessary equipments.

Fire safety is one of the most important pillars for the safe operation of businesses and institutions. The preparation, training and practice of an accurate and tailor-made Fire Safety Policy and Alarm Evacuation Plan is essential for the best possible protection not only of employees, but also of assets and the environment.

Companies who wish to be protected against fires, need a reliable, experienced and trustworthy partner. We can provide complete fire safety services for companies, public institutions, sports and event centres

Our services are not exhaustive:

  • Preparation of internal regulation for fire safety

  • Preparation of evacuation plan

  • Entertaining and practical fire safety training

  • Preparation of a technical fire safety compliance manual (TMMK)

  • Fire safety advice

  • Provison of a fire safety specialits on a flat-fee based contract in line with local laws and regulations.

  • Representation of clients during regulatory inspections and audits

  • Inspection and maintenance of fire protection technical solutions

  • Organising and conducting fire drills

  • Carrying out electrical safety and lightning protection measurements

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